Thursday, November 19, 2009

Patton's Room

Well, Josh and I got the baby bedding in on Saturday, and I got the crib Tuesday night. We couldn't wait long to put it all together, so last night after we both got home from work, we got it done!

We are so excited about it! We love the crib, which is a gift from my dad and my stepmom, and the bedding is just perfect! My next project is to paint the letters of Patton's name to go above the crib. If you couldn't tell, my "nesting" has definitely set in...I woke up at 5am this morning and wanted to work in the baby's room. :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Better Mood...But Definitely Sore

Well, this post is written in a much more cheerful attitude than my last one. Josh and I accomplished so many things this past weekend, that we are both beaming with pride...and very sore! On Friday, we had our doctor's appointment, took a tour of the hospital, registered at Target, bought letters to spell out Patton's name above his crib, ordered our wedding pictures and album, and just enjoyed being with each other. Saturday, we paid bills, bought frames for our wedding pictures, bought pansies for our flowerbed, and planted the pansies (which also included weeding, digging, and mulching). Sunday, we went to church (Josh even taught Sunday School for the kids) and then spent the rest of the day revamping our front walkway and hanging pictures in the hall. We got so much done! We have had these things on a to-do list for forever, so to actually get them not only started but completely finished just thrilled us! We are so excited about how the flowerbed and walkway turned out, and we are so glad that we finally ordered our wedding pictures and decided on items to register for. Needless to say, I feel so much better when I get to check something off my to-do lists, and this weekend definitely lifted my spirits.

Our lovely flowerbed full of pansies

Our walkway after spending hours weeding it and putting in new pebbles.

Patton and I at the end of the weekend...we were exhausted from all the work.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I've realized that as a pregnant lady, my patience has worn thin. Sometimes I have no patience at all. I get irritated easily, and I refuse to put up with any sort of drama. I have never been so prone to get angry before in my life. I've noticed that even little minute things that never bothered me before are driving me crazy, and the things that have always bugged me before seem to drive me over the edge now. I have my sane moments, but somedays I just seem to spend more of my hours in anger than in happiness.

Well, maybe I can use my silly pregnancy anger to make some of you laugh today. Here is a list of all the silly things that have annoyed me just this morning...enjoy:
1. The squeaking of our bedroom door
2. The fact that our bedroom door will not completely close
3. The hall closet door not sliding correctly when I opened it
4. The bathroom being dirty
5. My clothes not fitting "right"
6. My car not starting like it should
7. How loud the door handle is to the baby's room
8. How unorganized the whole house is (especially the pantry, it drove me crazy this morning)
9. The crazy spam newspaper in our driveway (that we never read and are not subscribed to)
10. Waking up with a sore throat

Wow, I guess I really hated doors this morning, and it didn't help that Charlie chewed one of my shoes this morning too. When I came in from church/work last night, I was so tired that I left my favorite pair of black heels in the den. I completely forgot to put them up since I was so ready to get them off my feet after a long day at work. They are the most comfortable shoes that I wear to work and to church, and the only black heels that I am still wearing since they aren't too high and are closed-toe. Looks like I might have to find a new pair.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend. Hopefully mine won't be filled with animosity towards doors or newspapers.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November, already?

Well, it's been awhile. Lots of things have been going on since my last post, so I guess I should do a quick recap.
1. Josh and I traveled to Maryville Oct. 16-18th for Homecoming. We got to visit with Caroline, Jeremy, and Jasper on our way up there. We got to catch up with tons of our Maryville friends...oh how I love that place! On the way back to Laurel we stopped in Chattanooga to visit Vic, Charity, and Luke. We were glad we got to see everybody during our quick trip north.
2. Josh's brother Will and his fiancee Brittany got married on October 24th. She was such a beautiful bride, and we are so happy for the two of them!
3. I took the church kids to the Pumpkin Patch on October 25th. We all had a blast, and we really enjoyed carving our pumpkins together.
4. We had the church's Halloween Carnival on October 28th, and boy did it wear me out! It was a great event though, and the kids seemed to really have fun. I can't wait to dress Patton up and take him to it next year. This year we dressed up as a deviled egg...yes, I'm silly, I know.
5. We had new insulation put in the attic on October 22nd, and then we had to have someone patch our ceiling after one of the insulation guys stepped through the living room ceiling. The ceiling was finally finished on October 29th.
6. Josh and I are trying to get the house in order. Our guest rooms (especially the soon-to-be nursery) have become catch-all rooms, so we have some heavy duty cleaning, organizing, and rearranging ahead of us. I went through the nursery's closet this weekend, and I am well on my way to getting that room in some type of order soon.
Whew! The month of October wooped us good, but November promises to be just as hectic. Josh and I are babysitting 3 kids this week (ages 3, 6, and 11) from Tuesday night to Sunday night. They will be staying with us at our house, and I hope it goes well. Their inside dog is also joining us, but she will probably spend most of her time out in the yard (at least until we know her well enough to trust her in our house). My prepping the nursery will be put on hold this week while they visit since the 2 youngest (girls) will be sharing that room while they visit.
Besides our babysitting adventure, Josh and I have a huge to-do list in front of us. We still need to decide on baby bedding, we still need to register, and we have a lot of house projects that need to be done preferably before December gets here. We also have an astounding pile of stuff for a yard sale, but who knows when we will be able to have one. It's overwhelming, but we will make it through.
To end, here's some pictures from the month of October:

Me and Patton in the Smoky Mountains.

The kids' pumpkins at the Halloween Carnival.

Madison (6) and Lorelai (3) at the Pumpkin Patch. 2 of the 3 kids we will have at our house this week.