Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baby Shower!

Well, Patton and I had our first baby shower this past weekend, and it was wonderful! Josh and I traveled to Birmingham late on Friday. We had to stop by Babies R Us and order our glider and ottoman, and I cannot wait for them to come in! They are the last items needed to complete the nursery, and I know Josh and I will be so glad when they are finally here. We also stopped and had dinner with my mom and stepdad and handed Charlie off to them for 24 hours. We finally made it to Caroline and Jeremy's house late Friday evening. On Saturday, we had our baby shower at P.F. Chang's!

Now, some of you might not know the significance of P.F. Chang's to me. Yes, it is my favorite restaurant, and yes, the food is amazing. But that restaurant has been the place for many important celebrations. I was first introduced to P.F. Chang's in 9th grade, and since then, I just can't get enough of it. During high school, it was the place we all went to eat dinner for our birthdays, and in college it was where we would all get together for Christmas after being away from each other for so long. When we all started getting engaged and married, it was the restaurant we all went to for dinner as part of our Bachelorette Parties. I can't go to that place without thinking about my best friends and all those memories. What's even better is that now that restaurant holds a special place for me and Josh. There isn't one in Laurel or Hattiesburg, so our closest P.F. Chang's is in Jackson, MS or in Birmingham. Every time we go to Jackson to Babies R Us, we go to P.F. Chang's to eat. (Side Note: My fortune cookie during our first trip to Jackson had "boy" as the Chinese word on the back...that was before we found out we were having a boy. Needless to say, I kept the fortune.) We even found a way to eat at P.F. Chang's while we were on our honeymoon! And now, that place filled with delicious food and so many memories is the location for Patton's baby shower!

We had such a wonderful time! I was surrounded by friends from all stages of my life. Caroline, Beth, and Lauren were best buds through high school and after. Monica and Maggie were there...we were really close friends in elementary school. Stephanie was of those dear Maryville College girls. Whitney and Erin were there...who are practically like younger sisters to me. Chancey was there...who is a new friend and is so sweet! Oh, and Baby Jasper was there too! His first trip to P.F. Chang's! We ate, laughed, ate some more, and then we all went back to Caroline's house to open gifts and visit for a while. We sat around the living room telling stories from the past, laughing at ourselves, and looking through old yearbooks. I can't remember the last time I laughed and smiled so hard in a while. It was the best was a "girls" day, and I needed one oh-so-badly! It was the perfect baby shower, and I am so thankful to all those girls that came and made it such a wonderful time! I love you all!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

February 19th!!!

Well, we had our 32 week doctor's appointment yesterday. It took forever! We have never waited in the exam room that long. Josh actually dozed off, while I sat there and nervously tapped my feet for at least 20 minutes. We got to schedule our c-section for February 19th, and we are just so excited! Just a little over 6 weeks, and we will have our son in our arms. We can't wait!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Recap and 2010!

Wow! I am officially horrible at updating this blog! I haven't written since December 19th, which was forever ago. Since then, Christmas has come and gone, the New Year has begun, and we are getting closer to the day our son will join us.

Here's a little recap:

In December, before Christmas, I was busy with work. We had the Children's Christmas Program, which was precious, comical, and dramatic as usual. At one point our back-up Baby Jesus (a baby doll) was being pulled across the stage sitting backwards on one of the sheep, which was made out of a roller skate. That image will never leave my mind. I hosted the Evening Circle Bible study, and we had a wonderful time despite the yucky weather. Josh and I had the church kids over to make ornaments, decorate cookies, and watch "Rudolph." The amount of icing and sprinkles these kids were able to digest still grosses me out.

For Christmas, Josh and I had Christmas morning to ourselves, and it was a wonderful time. We unwrapped gifts, made breakfast together, and cuddled on the couch enjoying each other's company. Once the afternoon hit, it was time to get going. We traveled to visit Josh's family in Butler that evening. We had a great time with them...lots of laughs, great food, fun moments. We spent the night with Josh's parents and then got up Saturday morning and traveled to see my mom and stepdad. We also stopped by and visited with Caroline and baby Jasper! Josh finally got to hold his godson, and he was on cloud nine after that! Sunday we went to church and spent the afternoon with my dad and stepmom. Somehow we fit all the gifts in the car, as well as our things and Charlie (along with her kennel). Charlie had an interesting time for sure. She got to unwrap a gift from us on Christmas morning, she completely destroyed a stuffed animal that Josh's parents gave to her (in less than 15 minutes mind you), made us believe that she had eaten 3 York peppermint patties, and acted funny throughout our travels making us believe that she was sick.

Since Christmas, Josh and I have been marking things off our list of things to do before Patton arrives. We put together our changing table, bought some baby things, ordered curtains for the nursery, and have done numerous projects around the house. Our next order of business is setting the date for our c-section! We get to schedule it tomorrow afternoon at our doctor's appointment, and we are both so excited!

To end, here's the latest baby bump picture that was taken this weekend. I am now 32 weeks pregnant, so not too long to go!